I Am the Door / John 10:1-10 Jul 14, 2013 Jerrod Rumley Claiming to be a door may not seem significant in our day and age. It might even get you labeled insane. But this was not the case for first century… Sermon Series Leadership Purpose
I Am the Light of the World / John 8:12-19 Jul 7, 2013 Sam Freshwater Jesus is the light, and the light reveals where we are and directs us where we need to be. Are we walking in darkness or living in the light? Sermon Series
I Am the Bread of Life / John 6:35-39 Jun 30, 2013 Christian Warne Throughout the book of John, Jesus compares something physical to something spiritual. By saying "I am the bread of life," Jesus lets the crowd know He can provide so much… Sermon Series
Matthew / Mark / Luke / John Jun 23, 2013 PJ Lewis We pick up our Generation series with a leap into the New Testament, and a look at the Gospels: Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. Many say these books all cover… Sermon Series Gospel Serving
The Well at Woodward: Father's Day Jun 16, 2013 Brad Bell God has given men the opportunity to show the younger people around us what manhood is as we pour ourselves into the younger people around us. And they are hungry… Fatherhood Men
Between the Old Testament and New Testament Jun 13, 2013 Rick Taylor The Bible is silent for over 400 years after the Old Testament ends until the New Testament starts. Historically, we know what happened during that time, and we also know… Sermon Series Bible
The Well at Woodward: Convivium Jun 2, 2013 Brad Bell Convivium is a Latin word that means a banquet or feast. Ordinary things that seem secular, such as a slow meal with friends, can actually be sacred if you redeem… Community
Ezra / Esther / Nehemiah / Haggai / Zechariah / Malachi May 26, 2013 Brad Bell These six books walk through the repopulation of Jerusalem and the rebuilding of the temple and the wall of the city, but the journey of rebuilding a city fades in… Sermon Series Leadership
Daniel / Ezekiel / Lamentations May 19, 2013 Brad Bell The city of Jerusalem has fallen and the Babylonians have taken the Southern Kingdom of Judah captive. What's next for the people of God? Through prophetic revelation, He reveals His… Sermon Series
2 Kings 21-25 (Nahum / Jeremiah / Zephaniah / Habakkuk) May 12, 2013 Brad Bell This week we see the fall of the Southern Kingdom of Judah, the rise of the Babylonian Empire, and the reform of a third-grade boy. The continual sin of the… Sermon Series