Missions Blog

Baptism service in Thailand

January 4, 2015
Darlene Hanson
This article was imported from our previous website, which many have broken some of the content. We apologize in advance for any strange formatting or broken links you may find.

The team has worked hard all week and on friday afternoon we had an unexpected treat, we were invited to a baptism! We made our way down the hill to what appeared to be a water buffalo drinking hole that was just big enough to hold two people. The pastor was here in the village for a wedding and 6 people wanted to be baptized. What an amazing sight to see the Pastor wade into this water and invite each person to publicly proclaim Christ as their savior! As each person waded in and was baptized, the beautiful sound of singing could be heard as their Karen brothers and sisters sang beautiful songs. What an honor and privilege as brothers and sisters in Christ to stand in the rice fields next to the waterhole with our Karen brothers and sisters and witness them proclaim their faith in Christ. It is amazing to see the seeds that are being planted in this area and to see God moving in the Karen people.

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