Missions Blog

Extended Family Update From Rose Torres

September 9, 2014
The Missions Team
This article was imported from our previous website, which many have broken some of the content. We apologize in advance for any strange formatting or broken links you may find.

Check out the latest update from Extended Family Member Rose Torres as she finishes up the summer season in Costa Rica. To see her whole site, visit her blog. Also see how you can support her through prayer, donations and care packages!

Hello September!

I loved fall when I was in the states. Pumpkin spice lattes, scarves, cool weather and the list can go on. In Costa Rica, we don't have pumpkin spice lattes and scarves are not really a thing here, BUT we do have rainy season and September and October are the months that it rains A LOT.

As we enter the rainiest season of the year, I am reminded of God's grace. I am reminded that like the rain washes the junk out of the streets and air, God's grace cleanses us and makes us new. For sin shall not be master over you, for you are not under law but under grace. Romans 6:14

I know that life can get busy, there are places to go and people to see. ( I think that is how the saying goes) But dont forget to show grace to others, just as Christ has shown it to you. Everybody has a story, being patient, showing love and grace can make a HUGE difference in their life.

Vacation 2014

In August, we (SICR) had a week off.

That meant that I was actually going to be able to plan a vacation. A real vacation. It had been over 2 years since I had been on vacation. For those who live overseas, going home for a few weeks can be tiring. You are trying to see family, friends, meet up with supporters etc. And yes they are all good things and can be fun, but were do you put time to rest in your visit? That was what I was struggling with, REST. I felt God calling me to really relax and spend time with him and away from Costa Rica and California. And that is what I did. I went to Chicago and Indiana for a week. I spent time with one of my best friends and her husband and really took the time to REST. It was so refreshing to not have a phone, or have to check my email or set my alarm. I spent time reading, journaling and just being still. It was a great week of rest and spending time with my friends but it was a AWESOME week with God.

Prayer Requests

Here are my top 3 prayer requests:

  1. Moving (more info on the blog)
  2. Ticket Prices. That I would get a great deal for my trip back home in December.
  3. Continuing building community here

If you want to send me a card or a care package, you can send it to the address below. :)

Rose Torres
C/O Jeff Dixon
Apartado 946-2400
Desamparados, Costa Rica
America Central

If you would still like to donate you can make a one time gift or you can send a check to:

Students International
PO Box 2733
Visalia, CA 93279, USA
with my name on the memo.

OR if you would like to become a monthly supporter, you can do it online now! Just check monthly supporter to set it up!

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