Missions Blog

Haiti Team Update :: Preparation & Fundraising

April 1, 2015
Neil Pettit
This article was imported from our previous website, which many have broken some of the content. We apologize in advance for any strange formatting or broken links you may find.
When was the last time you had to trust God for something? OK, maybe we have a small understanding that the breath we just took was out of complete trust that our God would supply the oxygen we need to take that breath. How about when it comes to where you’re going?
In going to Haiti with The Well, I wouldn’t say that I’m in a position like Abram (later Abraham) where God spoke to him in Genesis 12 and told him to go from his country, relatives and even his father’s house. But I do look at that and then consider my comforts and ease where I live and wonder how I would react in the same position as Abram. I know from the Scripture that he went in verse 4 without extra questions.
And I was able to see that in each of the team members headed to Haiti as we met once again this past week to gather together in fellowship and to get updates on what we’ll be doing. When we were all invited to go, we didn’t know exactly what we’d be doing, and honestly we still don’t have all the details. We know we’ll do some teaching in a men’s conference and we’ll likely do a 3-4 day work project to help the local church, but we don’t know all the details. And that’s OK as each member of the team is learning to trust God more and more.
We’re trusting God to provide the necessary funds for the trip. Outside a couple of the men, we are not versed in raising funds or asking for contributions. In fact it’s a little uncomfortable. This past week I was reaching out to a friend who expressed interest in contributing and in his response to me from his giving reminded me of a powerful truth: It’s not his money, but the Lord’s money. It is laid out plainly in the Bible that all we’ve been given has been given to us from the Lord. So again, the impact is whether I trust God to provide.
Every letter we receive in the mail with a contribution, we’re able to grow in our trust in the Lord. Every tri-tip meal we sell, we’re growing in our trust in the Lord. As we meet together and share more of our thoughts and concerns as a team, we’re growing in our trust in the Lord. Looking ahead, I know as we land in Haiti and make ourselves available to brothers and sisters in Christ in another country, we’ll continue to grow in our trust of the Lord. Ultimately, God orchestrates it all. Who better to trust than Him?
Continue to lift up our team in prayer as we strive to trust God more and steward our time, talents and resources together with all of you partnering with us on this trip.
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