Missions Blog

Team Thailand Hits the Ground Running

December 29, 2014
Darlene Hanson
This article was imported from our previous website, which many have broken some of the content. We apologize in advance for any strange formatting or broken links you may find.

During our first full day in Thailand we traveled as a team to Maesa Elephant Camp and were entertained by the elephants playing soccer with one another, throwing darts at balloons, and they used their artistic abilities with using their trunks to paint beautiful self portraits and scenic views. With all their talent and beauty, the elephant camp was a great way to start off our cultural experience in Chiang Mai, Thailand.

As we made our way back from the outskirts of Chiang Mai to the hustle and bustle of the city, we stopped by Lanna Cafe for lunch and had a delicious hand-crafted coffee to aid our adjusting bodies to the time change,15 hours ahead. We were greeted by Becky and Mike Mann, the founders of Integrated Tribal Development Program (ITDP) and of Lanna Coffee. There, we had the honor of hearing how Mike and Becky started their ministries in the Hill Tribes of Northern Thailand and what amazing work and assistance they have done to vastly improve the quality of life. Against all odds, Mike and Becky have been able to accomplish holistic development that includes clean water, hygiene (toilets), agriculture (gardening, pigs, macadamia nuts) and most importantly coffee, education, medical clinics and speaking the gospel through multiple church plants. Conversion rates to Christianity in the Thai Hill tribes are the largest in the world due to the presence of ITDP and Lanna Coffee. We also discussed our roles in serving the village of MaHoJo.

Today we start our 8-hour journey into the Hill Tribes; the whole reason we embarked on this journey. Please continue to support us with prayer to ease our anxious and excited hearts. We cannot wait for The Lord to show his glory. For more information visit ITDP and Lanna Coffee to hear how the programs continue to aid the Hill Tribes of Northern Thailand.

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