The Well Blog

Just Another Mission Trip

November 3, 2015
Michael Greilich
This article was imported from our previous website, which many have broken some of the content. We apologize in advance for any strange formatting or broken links you may find.


Sign up, support letters, team meetings, packing lists, long plane rides, great experiences, come home, tell everyone what happened and then eventually transition back into daily life.

To me, this is the typical routine of a mission trip, and as a person who has been on several mission trips before, I have experienced the routine firsthand. It’s true that I get excited for the new experiences I will encounter, the new places I will see and the ways I can glorify God in a different part of the world. However, even the excitement is routine for me. Getting ready for a mission trip has become a list of boxes I can check off as the trip draws near. To be honest, sometimes people have to ask me if I am excited because I don’t seem like it. I am truly excited; however, my attitude says, “this is just another mission trip.”

It was last Tuesday morning when The Well staff prayed for our team as we prepare to venture into another part of the world that many describe as dangerous. When they started to pray, I felt strange because, to me, it was just another mission trip and it’s not a big deal.

However, as they continued to pray, something shifted inside of me and said, “This is a big deal.”

We are going to a part of the world no one wants to enter into right now because of the calamity. Yet God has sovereignly assembled this team to go and share Christ with people in crisis. Things are going to be unknown and uncertain, but God will be in control of it all. After that prayer time and as I am getting ready to leave for Jordan, I can say with certainty and a fire in my heart, “This is not just another mission trip.”

Michael Greilich, Holly Collins, Ashley Ross and Brian Ross leave Saturday, November 7 for 14 days in the Middle East to see how they can serve, love and learn from Syrian refugees alongside the local church. Please pray for them as they hear stories of crisis, to respond with love and words of hope, and to catch a vision for how we as a church could continue to partner with how God is working in this current situation.

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